
This page links to sites related to Garvagh and to Garvagh people.    Please  email Bill McNeary  if you know of other sites you think should be shared.

Pages on this site related to Garvagh and other nearby Londonderry places

Matthew McNeary b1794, Magheramore, Garvagh, Coleraine, Co Derry

Other McNearys (from many places)

McNeary Bits and Pieces   (from several Ireland counties)

McNeary - John and Bridget   (possibly from Killybegs)

Churchs in the Bann Valley     Photographs on Barb Braswell's pages

Wilson - descended from John Wilson b1778 Ballyagan, CO Londonderry

Other  McNeary Sites:         Jack McNeary - alias Arborman

Genealogical sites with Garvagh connections

Bann Valley Genealogy

Lavonne Bradfield's Pages - some of her work is also on the Bann Valley Genealogy site


Sites that I though interesting for various reasons: